Anchorage Water Heater Repair and Installation

Keeping water in the Anchorage Metro Area at reasonable prices since 2004 - call today!

A water heater is essential for everyday activities in Alaska’s consistently cold climate. Some households may have a water heater that needs additional care, or perhaps it’s time to replace the old system.

At Discount Mechanical Heating & Plumbing, we provide affordable and efficient water heater repair and installation services. Call us today to discuss your water heater needs in and around Anchorage, AK, and Mat-Su Valley!

Do you have a rotten egg smell spreading in your home? Open your windows and call a plumber for gas leak detection services!

Signs You Need a Hot Water Heater Repair in Anchorage, AK

While issues can arise in specific rooms due to piping issues, building-wide problems can occur with an inefficient water heater. You may need to consider water heater tank or system repairs if you notice the following:

  • Low water pressure
  • Not enough hot water
  • Unexplained rises in utility bills
  • Dirty water coming from the system
  • Strange sounds of smells from the heater

If you have these problems constantly, a water heater replacement could help. Ask an expert on water heater repair and installation to find which option is more cost-effective.

Should You Get a Tankless Water Heater in Mat-Su Valley?

A leaking water heater tank may cause you to pay more, so perhaps you’ve started searching for a tankless solution. Tankless water heaters have many benefits that depend on several aspects, including water usage and property size.

Tankless systems do not store water, so it may become difficult to use hot water in several rooms at once. However, you can also save on energy costs because you only get as much hot water as you need. Consult a trustworthy water heater maintenance company to see if a tankless water heater could work for you.

Want to learn more about tankless water heaters? We have the basic details here!

How You Can Make a Water Heater Last Longer

You can use a few methods to help your water heater last longer. For example, ensure a good breaker protects the connection between your heater and the electric source. Even if you don’t have an electric water heater, most heaters use a little electricity, such as to start the pilot light.

Your gas water heater may work better and use less fuel to heat water when you provide insulation around the tank. The insulation can keep the contents warm in Alaska’s chilly weather.

We serve local households in and around Anchorage, AK, and Mat-Su Valley with upfront pricing, hot water tank installation, and more. For more tips from our water heater repair and installation experts, call Discount Mechanical Heating & Plumbing at 907-336-3100 today!