Frequently Asked Questions

This is always the first of our FAQs. If you notice the smell of sulfur from your air conditioner, check your ducts for mold or a dead animal. If you don’t find anything, call us because it could be a refrigerant leak, dirty air filter, or evaporator coil. We use video technology to safely explore the recesses of your system so you don’t get exposed to mold.
Don’t panic; it’s probably a bad setting on the thermostat or a clogged filter. Check both, and if they are fine, give us a call. Please don’t fiddle with anything else because this could mean that the furnace is overheating regularly. We need to establish why for your family’s safety.
There can be several causes for this, so start by checking the following:
  • Is the pilot light on? If not, relight it.
  • Check the thermostat to make sure you set it properly.
  • Is the air filter dirty? If so, change it.
There are several other potential causes, like condensate leaks and a faulty thermostat, but these are not easy to diagnose without the right equipment. Some people fiddle with the control panel, inadvertently causing extensive damage. We recommend sticking to the simple fixes and leaving the rest to us.
This is another of the common FAQs. If this is a new issue, it’s most likely a faulty dip tube. We can replace that quickly and inexpensively. While it’s a simple repair, it’s not a good DIY one. One wrong move and the water will gush out when you’re using the system. As it will be hot water running out, this can be dangerous. Another reason that you may run out so quickly is that your system does not have the capacity to handle the amount of water you need. Maybe your family grew, or you have family visiting. If so, you may want to consider upgrading your water heater.
HVAC filters should be replaced every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter and the level of use. Dirty filters can reduce the efficiency of the system, cause it to work harder, and decrease indoor air quality.
HVAC systems should be serviced by a professional technician at least once a year, ideally before the start of the heating or cooling season. Regular maintenance can prolong the life of the system, improve energy efficiency, and prevent costly breakdowns.
There are several options to improve your house’s indoor air quality. You can install an air cleaner, install a humidifier, and change your air filters regularly.
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