Anchorage Gas Leak Detection

We detect and fix gas leaks around the Anchorage Metro Area quickly - call today!

Neighborhoods in the Greater Anchorage Area, like Chugiak or Spenard, often need natural gas for water heaters, furnaces, and more. However, a natural gas leak could be incredibly hazardous to a person’s health.

Discount Mechanical Heating & Repair can ensure the safety of your property with our gas leak detection services. We can quickly identify the presence and location of a gas leak and repair the line. Here’s why you should immediately call for a gas fitter if you suspect a gas leak.

Water leaks can cause property damage with time. Call us for water leak detection and repairs!

Signs of a Gas Leak in Your Home

Natural gas inhalation can cause severe headaches, nausea, and in high enough concentrations, suffocation. Look out for these tell-tale signs you need a gas pipe leak repair:

  • A rotten smell: Natural gas is odorless and colorless, but gas companies mix it with unpleasant odors for easier detection.
  • Hissing noises: Try listening to the pipe’s sounds for DIY gas leak detection. Hissing sounds from pressurized gas lines may indicate a leak.
  • Dying plants near the pipeline: Gas kills vegetation, and an isolated spot of dead foliage could mean an underground gas leak.

What To Do if You Suspect a Gas Leak

If you see those signs, you can reasonably suspect you need a gas pipe leak repair. Immediately take measures to stay safe and breathe as little of the fumes as possible.

Turn off all electrical devices to prevent sparks that could ignite the gas. Don’t light any flames. Open your windows to allow fresh air to circulate and dissipate some of the pollution.

You and other occupants should evacuate the property and stay at least 350 feet away. Then, immediately call emergency plumbing and gas fitting services for pipeline repairs.

Are you having problems with a tankless water heater leak? Let us investigate and repair it for you!

How a Gas Fitter Detects Gas Leaks in Mat-Su Valley

A gas fitter can often work as a plumber and vice versa, but they don’t do the same job. Always ask any company you call if they have a gas fitter when you need gas leak detection services.

After we shut off the outside valve, we enter the house and search for the source of the leak. We may use gas detector pens, which are handheld tools that detect the type and amount of natural gas in the property. Higher gas concentrations often indicate the leak’s location, and then we can get to work.

While gas leaks can be frightening, Discount Mechanical Heating & Plumbing offers quick and efficient resolutions. Call 907-336-3100 today for emergency gas leak detection in and around Anchorage, AK.